On behalf of the Men’s club board, I would like to apologize to everyone who did not get notified of the tournament cancellation on Saturday. It was my responsibility to try to contact everyone and I did call everyone who filled out their entry with their phone number. I left the ones with no phone contact on them at the pro shop for them to contact. It turns out this was not the best idea. Some of you did not get notified and showed up to play, for this I apologize. I will try to do better in the future.
That being said when you turn in an entry form please fill it out completely so we can notify you if need be. I sincerely hope this never comes up again.
We as the Men’s club board are trying to make things better with good formats and good payouts. We also send out a weekly news letter via email to every one of our members with information of up coming events and results of tournaments. We are open to ideas and comments that will help us improve the Eagle Point Men’s Golf Club.
The next Tournament is Saturday April 5th at 1:00. 2 man Super drive both balls count. 6 drives apiece. Get signed up and tell others so we can improve and grow.
Fairways and greens,
Bruce Buehler
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